Frequently Asked Questions
Who visits the venues and writes the reviews?
Writers of the website consist of a team of collaborators from different disciplines who are determined to find the best Toronto venues that may already be recognized for their services, but also embrace an accessible design. When possible, the review team is made up of a health professional (i.e. occupational therapist) and an individual with the lived experience. From the interaction, we hope to also provide information not related to the physical space such as lighting, noise and customer service.
Can readers add their own reviews?
We encourage all readers to visit the "Comments" section at the bottom of each post to add any opinions or verify the information provided. This includes any of the venue owners that we have reviewed. If a reader has visited an accessible venue that has not been reviewed on this site, please let us know at: We will conduct a full review using our criteria to simply ensure quality control of AccessTO.
What criteria is used to determine accessibility?
The criteria used for the reviews are based off of the City of London 2007 Facility Accessibility Design Standards and includes:
- Overall space- table height, floor space, 180 and 360 turning space, etc
- Floor surface- carpets, level changes, texture
- Entrances- automatic door opener, door width, ramp, etc
- Outdoor Space
- Elevator
- Toilet Facilities- handles, grab bar, sink height, stall measurements, etc
- Parking
Do we add anything to the website that is not fully accessible or rely on a star system?
No! There is no star system because every establishment reviewed on this blog will have already met our standard (some more than others). What this means is that if we find that a place is not accessible in various realms, we simply do not include them on the site.
Disclaimer: AccessTO Communications makes no guarantee as to the currency, accuracy, or quality of information published and/or archived on this website, nor will AccessTO Communications accept any responsibility for other organizations, businesses, and private persons that provide information on this website. All information on this website is subject to change without notice. Reasonable efforts are taken to ensure the accuracy and integrity of all information provided here, but AccessTO Communications is not responsible for misprints, out-of-date information, or errors. AccessTO Communications makes no warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of any information contained on this website.